Episode 8: Tokyo Surprise

This week we begin our takeover of the mainstream media, starting with TVNZ’s Media7. Let’s see how that works. TV journalist Jose Barbosa is our guest in the Discourse Studio. We talk amusement park rides, cycling, brown Hobbits, Japan, the amazing truth that Jim Carey (and Adam Sandler) can actually act, Mikey Havoc leaves 95bFM, Robin Williams is a joke thief, Wikileaks, weddings in the Republic of Dagestan, the pursuit of the perfect milkshake, and much much more.

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On tonight’s episode of Media 7 (9:10pm on Thursday 2/12/10), I’m in a small interview segment and Ben’s on the studio panel, tune in and check it out (or track it down on TVNZ OnDemand tomorrow).

Show notes

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